
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca październik 2011
Znaleziono 7 newsów
2011-10-28 10:55

This November, start construction works on first MANDO Corporation’s factory in Walbrzych, Poland.¬ It turned out that Walbrzych was the best place for automotive parts factory among others like Slovakia and Czech Rep. After few years of negotiations, that ended in July 2011, the ground was bought and the company received permission for operating in Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “Invest Park”. Finally, the construction works begining.


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2011-10-26 12:32

Budget of last contest for biggest projects will equal 700 million zlotys. This means that multimillion grants for supporting crucial investments for economy. In years 2007- 2013 for production and hi-tec services, 1 billion had been reserved. Those subsidies are granted mainly to polish departments of global corporations like Sony, IBM, GE, Nokia-Siemens, Electrolux or Samsung.
The discussion about last contest lasts for few months already. However, now the Ministry of Economy which shares those money, has made main rules and pot with Ministry of Development. It will reach 700 million zlotys, not 900 millions, which was predicted earlier. Companies that plan to invest in production and service centers can both apply for grants. The contest will be announced in 3 months.

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2011-10-21 11:31

 Advent International Fund can invest even billion euros in health protection in Central and Eastern Europe. Yesterday, fund’s representatives officially informed that they bought a minority shareholding in American Heart of Poland Company. This private net of mid-size medical clinics (96 million zlotys of income in 2009) concentrates on curing heart and vascular diseases. It is also an owner of Spa in Ustron, bought last year from the Treasury.

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2011-10-12 08:24

 Chinese and Indian countries are interested in investing in Poland. Already planned investments can create 4000 jobs. Asians are mainly interested in traditional industries. Also Nissan considers opening a construction plant in Poland

Soon we have a chance for rapid growth of Asian investments in Poland. Japanese and Malaysians that see Poland as a distribution centre for our region- including Ukraine and Balkans. Recently they even moved their promotion center MATRADE from Budapest to Warsaw. Asians does not hide that they were led into by last-year stable economic growth.

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2011-10-10 09:45

PKP Railways’ board has chosen the route that will connect Warsaw with Poznan and Wroclaw and will be presented to international team. The team will make the final decision on route.

The route will run through uninhabited areas, however railroader warns against protests of inhabitants who do not want a railway in their neighborhood. The vice minister of Infrastructure said that nowhere such investment were carried out without a conflicts.

“Some cases of protests were present- it is a signal for those who will design this route to improve it. The worst thing is insisting on one solution. We have to consider flexible solution and such way is used in this investment.” - Andrzej Massel declared.

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2011-10-05 15:34

E.Wedel, Swidnica's municipality and Walbrzych's Special Economic Zone have signed the agreement that descries conditions and cooperation on Japanese Lotte's investment. Company that owns E.Wedel brand, is going to produce cakes and chewing gums in Swidnica.

"We just made a next step toward a new facility in Swidnica. After long, successful negotiations came the sucess. The last step will be permission for operating in Zone" the Swidnica's president, Wojciech Murdzek said. Now all is on investor's and consumers' hand.

"Development and jobs will depend on economic and market situation. Wedel and Lotte are client-oriented companies. Our goal is delivering of favorite and best sweets, but of our size will decide our consumers" operational president of E.Wedel said.

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2011-10-03 15:33

Technology parks have grown in Poland because of venture forces of business, science and local authorities. Effects of its activity are already seen, but it is too early for a large breakthrough in relation between scientists and entrepreneurs.

In July the i3D company from Gliwice has debuted on New Connect. The 93 % jump in stock price was impressive, despite the fact that it occurred mostly behind the floor. The company was created by virtual reality passionate: Jacek Jędzrejowski (physicist) and Arkadiusz Patryas (lawyer). A friend from IBM helped with business partners and general business idea. I3D has become interactive visualization and 3d virtual reality service vendor for business. The company is major tenant in Gliwice Technopark.

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