
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca październik 2012
Znaleziono 3 newsów
2012-10-18 15:38

 There was an idea to publish the project of the principles of the new law on internet in order to make it possible to make comments and notes.
Despite of the crisis the zones are not bad at all since the investments are constantly being made. The total amount of the capital declared from the beginning of this year until the end of April amounted to 1.581 billion PLN, whilst during the first four months of the last year it was only 1.477 billion PLN. The amount of the planed new work places raised and reached 1.743 comparatively to 1383 in the period from January to April planned a year ago. The number of licenses issued raised from 45 to 53.

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2012-10-10 11:17

Greek election results did not prompt investors to buy shares
Victory in the repeated elections to the Greek Parliament the center-right New Democracy met with optimism among players investing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. This optimism was short-lived. WIG20 started the day from 1.15 percent of growth. It quickly became clear that the election of Greek elections is not enough that the Warsaw Stock Exchange indices continued their upward march. With every hour of trade demand was becoming less and less active. In the afternoon, the indicator of the 20 largest companies of our trading pit began to lose its value. As a result it was below the line by the end of trading. Finally WIG20 ended the day 0.2 percent below the line. Others Polish indexes managed very well. mWIG40 gained 0.35 percent and the index of small companies, sWIG80 0.3 percent.

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2012-10-01 11:27

It could be automotive paradise, which attracts successive automakers. That will not work out, but to wipe the tears we have a power in producing parts for their production.
Although it is far less spectacular, this is beneficial business solution. When car production in Poland is falling, as are their exports, foreign sales of components is getting higher since January 2012.
According to the company – it exceeds the value of exported cars.

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