
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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The last chance for EU grants for investments
2011-10-26 12:32

Budget of last contest for biggest projects will equal 700 million zlotys. This means that multimillion grants for supporting crucial investments for economy. In years 2007- 2013 for production and hi-tec services, 1 billion had been reserved. Those subsidies are granted mainly to polish departments of global corporations like Sony, IBM, GE, Nokia-Siemens, Electrolux or Samsung.
The discussion about last contest lasts for few months already. However, now the Ministry of Economy which shares those money, has made main rules and pot with Ministry of Development. It will reach 700 million zlotys, not 900 millions, which was predicted earlier. Companies that plan to invest in production and service centers can both apply for grants. The contest will be announced in 3 months.

The rules are tightened. –The grants can be given to entities that projects are characterized by high level of innovation and will encompass a part of RnD, and support for job creating will be directed towards high-class specialists – Iwona Wendel, vice-president of regional development says. – The fact that ministries has created requirements for high-quality jobs is a great news for investors. It makes a hope that R&D projects will have definite point preferences – Accreo Taxand counselor comments.

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