
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca wrzesień 2014
Znaleziono 2 newsów
2014-09-09 14:31

This is the following day since the middle of the last year when the indexes reached their maximum. The WIG20 ended up with 0,5 percent up and reached 2550 points.
Shares of PZU were of big interest and became 1,59 percent more expensive and cost up to 427 per share in the end of the day.
This is the highest rate in company’s history. Those investors who possess shares of the biggest Polish insurance company gained 46 percent since the beginning of the year.
What causes the growth? PZU had good financial results this year. During the third quarter the net profit grew up to 1,12 billions of PLN, mainly thanks to growing share prices at Warsaw exchange Stock and good valuation of the bonds.

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2014-09-09 14:29

The development of IT industry in the capital of Lower Silesia is remarkable and noteworthy; more and more companies announce new vacancies for work in their branches based in Wroclaw. One of the last examples is Sii, which is going to double the number of workers in their branch office located in our city. Those who are employed at branch office of Sii based in Wroclaw, work for clients from diverse industries including automotive industry, as well as banking and insurance sectors. They work at IT helpdesks, support customers using over 300 applications, administrate business support systems, develop software etc. Wroclaw's office was the third in Poland after Warsaw and Gdansk – now it is one six in the whole country.

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