
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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300 jobs in Walbrzych
2011-10-28 10:55

This November, start construction works on first MANDO Corporation’s factory in Walbrzych, Poland.¬ It turned out that Walbrzych was the best place for automotive parts factory among others like Slovakia and Czech Rep. After few years of negotiations, that ended in July 2011, the ground was bought and the company received permission for operating in Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “Invest Park”. Finally, the construction works begining.


 In neighborhood of already existing Toyota’s factory, on 13-hectare ground, a new site will produce car parts and assemblies for cars. It includes breaking systems, C-EPS systems, electronic stabilizing systems ESC and other parts of suspension. The recipients will be car factories in Poland (GM, Opel), Czech Rep. (Hyundai), Slovakia(Kia), Germany(BMW, Volkswagen, GM) and in France (Citroen, Peugeot, Renault). In next 3 years the new branch in Walbrzych will hire 300 workers. Recruitment has already began. Firstly, office workers are hired (accounting, HR, engineers). In next five years MANDO Corporation will invest in Walbrzych over 100 million zlotys. The president of MANDO Corporation Poland explains why the company chose Walbrzych: “The crucial fact was city location. Walbrzych is placed in strict centre of our markets in Europe. We have also a good infrastructure and experienced people here, too”. MANDO factory will be the biggest outside Korean borders.

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