
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca grudzień 2012
Znaleziono 2 newsów
2012-12-18 10:10

 According to the Portuguese weekly newspaper Expresso - Poland is a gate for investors from Portugal, who are planing to invest in Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia.
The newspaper notes that Polish economy has achieved immensly good results. The average growth of GDP in Poland between 2003 and 2008 was 5.2% annually. Meanwhile, in 2009 Poland was the only country which avoided recession.
It is also mentioned that the values of Portuguese Investments in Poland are systematically growing. The newspaper reports that the values of the investments between 2007 and 2011 continued to grow and increased to 721 millions of euro.

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2012-12-01 10:09

Slawomikr Nowak, the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, declared that a trip from Wroclaw to Warsaw in 2014 will take 3,5 hours. This means that a journey from the capital to Czestochowa will take 2 hours, which is more than one hour faster than it is today. The trip duration from Gdynia to Warsaw will also be reduced. About 1 billion PLN will be spent for renovation and revitalization of train stations.

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