According to the Portuguese weekly newspaper Expresso - Poland is a gate for investors from Portugal, who are planing to invest in Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia.
The newspaper notes that Polish economy has achieved immensly good results. The average growth of GDP in Poland between 2003 and 2008 was 5.2% annually. Meanwhile, in 2009 Poland was the only country which avoided recession.
It is also mentioned that the values of Portuguese Investments in Poland are systematically growing. The newspaper reports that the values of the investments between 2007 and 2011 continued to grow and increased to 721 millions of euro.
Slawomikr Nowak, the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, declared that a trip from Wroclaw to Warsaw in 2014 will take 3,5 hours. This means that a journey from the capital to Czestochowa will take 2 hours, which is more than one hour faster than it is today. The trip duration from Gdynia to Warsaw will also be reduced. About 1 billion PLN will be spent for renovation and revitalization of train stations.
On 22 July this year, the Council of Ministers published the objectives of the Minimum Wage Bill in its schedule of legislative and programme work. The Bill is to transpose Directive (EU) 2022/2041 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on adequate minimum wages in the European Union into Polish law.
The Bill:
- lays down the rules and procedure for setting and updating the minimum wage,
- appoints the Social Dialogue Council as a consultative body competent in matters related to setting and updating the minimum wage,
- regulates the reporting of the minimum wage,
- lays down the rules and procedure for setting and paying the minimum hourly rate.
Aid for energy-intensive sectors due to prices of natural gas and electricity in 2024. A new round of aid for energy-intensive sectors in connection with increased prices of natural gas and electricity will become available soon.
This will be the third scheme implementing the Act of 29 September 2022 on business aid schemes due to the energy market situation in 2022-2024.
Thu, Jul 25, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM CEST - Reden wir über Whistleblowing in Europa! Treffen Sie Experten aus Deutschland, Polen und Spanien beim Internationalen Experten-Rundtisch, einer Veranstaltung, die ganz dem Schutz von Hinweisgebern gewidmet ist. Erwerben Sie Expertenwissen über die Umsetzung von Whistleblowing-Praktiken in verschiedenen Ländern.
czytaj więcejThe Whistleblower Protection Act was published in the Journal of Laws on 24 June 2024. It introduces new requirements for, among other things, entities hiring at least 50 people. Smaller entities can also implement the solutions foreseen by this statute.
The obliged entities listed in the Whistleblower Protection Act have only three months to establish:
- effective, safe, confidential or anonymous channels for reporting breaches,
- procedure for reporting breaches (whistleblowing procedure),
- records of reports received.
International Expert Roundtable: e-Invoicing System (Poland, Germany, Romania, Turkey)
Event date 20 February 2024 online (the webinar will be in English)
Begin - end 10:00-11:15
A revolution in invoicing is coming. Is your company ready for it?
The e-invoicing system is a revolutionary tool for issuing and sharing structured invoices. Many countries are already using e-invoices in their daily work. How do you prepare to implement the system in your organisation? How does e-invoicing work in other countries?
Join us for a live-webinar where Rödl & Partner experts will describe the implementation of the e-Invoicing System in their countries: Poland, Germany, Romania and Turkey.