
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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New achievements on Exchange Stock – shares of PZU reached r
2014-09-09 14:31

This is the following day since the middle of the last year when the indexes reached their maximum. The WIG20 ended up with 0,5 percent up and reached 2550 points.
Shares of PZU were of big interest and became 1,59 percent more expensive and cost up to 427 per share in the end of the day.
This is the highest rate in company’s history. Those investors who possess shares of the biggest Polish insurance company gained 46 percent since the beginning of the year.
What causes the growth? PZU had good financial results this year. During the third quarter the net profit grew up to 1,12 billions of PLN, mainly thanks to growing share prices at Warsaw exchange Stock and good valuation of the bonds.

PZU had three times bigger profits than a year ago. How?
In his blog, Sebastian Buczek wrote: “That was a difficult year for the investors. We started in a bad mood after the drop-off in September, 2011, and of course the first months did not please us much”. In addition he says that quite to the contrary the situation was in June, when Mario Draghi, the chief of EBC, took the initiative and the investors became more positive about the future of the euro area. Result? Since the beginning of the year, the WIG index, which covers shares of most registered companies at GPW, grew in one fourth.
Buczek summarizes: “From today’s perspective, it can even be said that what last year seemed to be a long term drop-off, was not indeed a drop-off, but rather an immensely strong correction, and to tell you the truth, what we can observe on the share markets sine more than 3,5 years is a long term growth.”

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