
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Welcome to the land of Appliances
2012-10-01 11:27

It could be automotive paradise, which attracts successive automakers. That will not work out, but to wipe the tears we have a power in producing parts for their production.
Although it is far less spectacular, this is beneficial business solution. When car production in Poland is falling, as are their exports, foreign sales of components is getting higher since January 2012.
According to the company – it exceeds the value of exported cars.

We have become an European power in the household appliances. All the most distinguished companies producing large appliances already have factories in Poland, moreover new investments are announced. In terms of production we are now in first place in Europe. Stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, ovens and hobs which are produced now in our country are already a considerable portion of our exports. This is a group of goods the sale - despite the turmoil in the EU markets, where it gets most of the sending device - is still growing. Although the king household name perhaps is not very prestigious, the most important is the effect of business, and this cuts off comments.
Abandoning dreams of motoring we are hope, eventually we will become a power in a more innovative areas of the economy. At this moment, we are the European business services center, but it should not achieve our ambitions. In the past we had cheap workers, now we can boast of talented engineers and programmers. We should have an aim of creating a center of innovation on the Vistula River.
We must establish ourselves the great challenges, however not neglecting manufacturers of washing machines and tires ...

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