
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
2023-02-09 09:26

EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Preparing for the new regulation - The implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on 1 October 2023 is expected to reshape global trade at large. It is imperative that businesses understand and prepare for the changes that the mechanism will bring about.

Join us for a webcast on 14 February 2023 as KPMG professionals provide insights into the inner workings of CBAM, explore the effect that these measures have on organizations situated both within and outside the EU, and delve into why decarbonisation of production, whether that production is expected to be a key source of competitive advantage for selling into the EU market.

Presenters include:

- Guest Speaker: METINVEST: Vitality Kovalenko, Sustainability and environmental management Director

- Mike Hayes, Partner, Climate Change and Decarbonization Leader, Global Head of Renewable Energy, KPMG International

- Ruth Guerra, Partner, International Trade & Green Taxation; KPMG Avocats (KPMG in France); Global Climate Advisory Leader, Global Decarbonization Center, KPMG International

- Anne-Cecile Moreno, Director, Global Climate Change and Decarbonization Center, KPMG International; Climate Risks & Decarbonization Leader, KPMG in the Netherlands

- Richard Lin, Partner, Supply Chain (GHG Emissions & Reduction) and; Head of Compliance in Carbon Market, KPMG China

- Merijn Betjes, Tax Director, Environmental Tax Expert & ESG Tax Lead for the Netherlands, KPMG in the Netherlands

- Carol Newham, Partner, and; ESG Tax & Legal Partner Sponsor, KPMG in the UK

Suggested audience: Heads of ESG, Heads of Finance, Heads of Sustainability and environment, Heads of Tax, and other business leaders

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