
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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The compass for employees - Employers’ plans report
2015-03-16 16:29

Randstad presented the 25th quarterly report entitled “Employers’ plans”. This is a useful compass for employees. This time the plans of employment are the most optimistic since 6 years”, commented PAIiIZ president Sławomir Majman during the conference held on 9 March.

The first part of 2015 is expected to be very optimistic regarding the employment market. The percentage of employers willing to create new jobs (30%) is the highest since six years – in went up by 4% q/q. Also the number of companies planning to increase salaries in growing. Moreover, despite the lack of enthusiasm among entrepreneurs regarding the economic condition of Poland, there is a rising trend in defining the situation of their companies as good or very good.

Since the second part of 2014, a growing trend of pessimism regarding the improvement of economic situation in Poland is observed. During last 4 quarters the group of optimists has shrunken from by 1/3. In addition, comparing to the last edition of the survey, the group of companies expecting the recession is growing - it went up by 4% and reached 14% in 2015. However, only 5% of companies define their situation as bad or very bad while the majority of all of them (64%) is seem to be satisfied.

Among companies willing to increase the employment, the majority comes from the western Poland (37%). When speaking of sectors; trade, production and construction are the areas where possibility of finding job is the highest. The fastest rate in new jobs creation is expected in companies employing over 250 people. “Among 169 investment project currently supported by PAIiIZ, 117 comes from industrial sector and 52 from services. We also see the growing importance of R&D centres in Poland”, commeted Mr Majman.

However, the rising demand for employee meets with the shortage of a prepared workforce. “Last year 40% of companies looking for employees had problems with fining proper people. To deal with that situation, companies hired less people then they could or employer those with lower qualifications while 5% of companies decided not to hire anyone. The last group had grown from 2% to 5% during last two years. The situation creates new opportunities for those who are currently looking for job. They should provide monitoring of the expectation of the market – what competences are now wanted by employers – and try to develop those skills. This strategy should significantly improve changes for fining a job”, advices Agnieszka Bulik, from Ranstad.

Autor: PAIiIZ/Randstad

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