
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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First quarter with 8 completed investments
2015-03-26 16:22

MTU Aero Engines investment is the eight and the latest successfully completed projects with PAIiIZ support. The company will spend €13,8 m and create 50 new jobs

The majority of completed projects in first quarter of 2015 are represented by BBS, R&D, ICT, automotive, aerospace, electronics and home appliances sectors. The total value of 8 projects reached €153.14m. Due to them, even 2,637 new jobs can be created.

Among 170 ongoing investments supported by the Agency, BPO and automotive sectors predominates. Each of the sector runs 32 projects. Next are: R&D with 19 projects, aviation with 13 projects and food sector with 12 projects. The total value of ongoing projects reaches €3065.45 m. Those investments may created even 30,061 new jobs in the future.

The US is the country with the biggest number of investments provided with Agency’s support. There are 48 American ongoing projects worth €938.41 m in total and the chance to create 6,610 new jobs. The second is Germany with 29 investments (€429.65 m; 4,751 new jobs). The following positions are occupied by: France (11 projects), Italy (10 projects) and Japan (9 projects).

Autor: PAIiIZ

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