
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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German Press: The miracle over the river Wisla is about to
2013-12-11 12:30

German daily newspapers report that it started to cloud over Polish economy, which had recently begun to shrink. They compare today’s recession with the crisis of 2009 and claim that the situation today is even worse than it was. According to today’s German daily newspaper Handelsblatt – the country, thought to be the economy engine, does not produce anymore steam. Poland, being the only European Union county which was not affected by the world crisis in 2009, is apparently losing the economy burst. According to the data from Central Statistical Office – the GDP of the third quarter of this year increased in no more that 0,4 percent in comparison to the previous quarter. It was not so bad even in critical 2009 – during the world economy crisis. During the downturn, when all EU countries were in recession, Polish GDP increased in 1,7 percent. The daily reports that according to the Central Statistical Office the situation is getting even worse due to significant reduction in domestic demand that used to be a driving factor for economic growth in Poland, which rate was immensely higher than the average one in EU. In the meantime, according to media reports, the majority of Poles are afraid of upcoming crisis , save up and drastically cut expenditures. As stated in an article published in Financial Times Deutschland, the fact that quantity of foreign orders and employment increased in comparison with the previous month – will not have a notable impact on the existing situation.

The Rzeczpospolita Newspaper, which is in opposition to Donald Tusk’s liberal-conservative government, calls for significant reforms. In accordance with Handelsblatt – Waldemar Pawlak, the leaving minister of economy, expects from the prime minister personal engagement in the issue concerning shale gas production; this is the biggest eastern European country that seriously appeals to such an unconventional and controversial way of gas production in order to eliminate the dependence on the gas transported from Russia. Meanwhile, in the current situation, just after Exxon Mobile, Canadian company Talisman removed its equipments and machinery from Poland, while Polish companies now have to prepare their own equipments for gas boom. As it is stated in the German daily, as well as in Reczpospolita, Exxon Concern is negotiating the resale conditions of further concessions for the production of shale gas in Poland with the biggest Polish gas delivering company PKN Orlen.

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