
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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IMF: Poland is doing better than we expected
2012-05-18 11:06

According to representatives of International Monetary Fund, notwithstanding international situation, Poland is doing better than expected.

During a press conference IMF experts claimed that better result are due to robust condition of Poland's Economy, reforms and macroeconomic management.

Julie Kozak, an IMF representative, said that Economic growth of Poland corresponded to the forecast for this year's growth at 2.6 percent. She reckons that the risks are connected with external factors.


 Also, IMF predicts further reduction of deficit in public sector finance.

The IMF experts positively evaluated current pensionary reform which, among the others, will increase the retirement age to 67 years old.

They admitted that current pensionary reform will in long perspective have positive impact on stabilization in public finance. It was also added that the increase in retirement age will improve the pension level too.

Experts of the fund also commented on the raise of prices in Poland. As the IMF representatives informed, the inflation should keep declining and achieve 2.5 percent by the middle of 2013 due to recession in Economy and changes in salaries.

They also mentioned that the latest increase of interest rate made by NBP had been unjustified.

According to specialists the increase of the interest rate made by NBP does not look reasonable during economic recession, predicted decline in inflation and changes in salaries. They believe that the interest rate should be decreased in case of severe recession and low perspective of inflation in Poland.

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