
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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How to write a good mission statement for an investment
2012-04-27 14:26

 The first point is that a mission is prepared in a short written form. Very often a mission statement is given as an basic information about the firm in the firm presentation, prospectus or webpage.
Second important issue which is visible in many definition is that the mission statement should basically describe the purpose of existence of the organization. In other words answer on the question why the organization was created, what was the purpose of this.
Furthermore the mission statement should give a idea about the business. In other words what the firm is doing for a living. Moreover it is good, when it provides some key information like type of markets, customers, kind of activities which the company is specializing in.

The other thing is that there should be also included a values which a lies in the company/organization foundation (e.g. green economy, charity, quality and reliability etc.)
All those above mentioned elements gives the basic information about company and create its image. Because of that mission statement which contains all those information can be used (and make easier) to formulate the company/organization long-term strategy. From the point of view of the strategic management mission statement is a key information to build a firm strategy. Simply because it describes what is a purpose of the company, what the company does and what are the values which are the most important for it. Together with a vision statement (difference between mission and vision is that a mission is describing what is happening in the company and vision what can this company become in the future)provides those information which can be a key to draw the proper strategy and directions for the company.

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