
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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High-tech made in Poland
2012-03-21 09:21

9livesdata, Psiloc, Digital Core Design or PlanetSoft are examples of polish Companies that are small, but successful on global market. We do not have Facebook nor Google. We are not country of newer iPad or Nokia. However it does not mean that polish entrepreneurs from new technology market cannot conquer global markets and international deals. Such innovative comes are relatively rare, but successful. Those companies which are bare not known in their country are usually best in their own niches. The y have common feature- they bid on global success and do not have even polish language on their web sites.
“By establishing new company, I wanted to be economical patriot and operate on local market. However, shortly it become clear that there is no need for our products here. Thats why we came outside to global market”, Marek Filipiak, Psiloc president says, Psiloc offers various mobile solutions for enterprises.
Their main partner is telecommunication giant Nokia, and application made be them “word Traveler, is used by 9.5 million client around the world.

 Small polish business does everything: from simple mobile applications to large ERP- class software suites and top-class processors. Those are domain of company Digital Core Design. Their clients are Intel, Siemens, Phillips, Toyota or General Electric. Their processors are used in controlling in Sweden or crew-less planes.

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