
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Wonderful coal from Poland
2012-01-30 15:42

Graphene, material of the future, can really change our civilization. Polish scientists know already how it can be produced. Unfortunately Polish government have not take this chance yet.

Imagine: a blue sheet of paper which lays on the table starts to ring and changes into alarm clock. You get up and pick up this sheet of paper to turn it to the hand clock. Then you go to the work, so you turn it into the GPS navigation. Impossible? Well, maybe it is.



 Graphene is a singular layer of the coal's atoms. It is only know in the nature two dimension material. Grapheme is super thin, light, elastic and transparent. Almost indestructible and electrically conductive as copper. Graphene can replace a silicon in computers which can lead to new technological development similar to those caused by the invention of the computer.

Polish scientist from Institute of Electronic Materials Technology in Warsaw already discover the way how to produce this material large-scale. PhD eng. Włodzimierz Strusiński based on the machine used to production of the silicon plate used to construction of integrated circuit and processors for the computer. He used the same method to produce very thin, one layer material from coal-Graphene.

With the encourage form his colleagues from Warsaw Institute and European Union (EU plans project witch flagship will be a research made by PhD. eng. W. Strusiński.) the research may be enlarge and become a large step for changing the position of Poland on the technology market. The production manner is patented by the Warsaw scientist and further research are planned. If the Polish government will be active in this project there is a chance that other Polish scientist will start to develop new technologies and we can be a competition for a technological giants like USA, Japan or Korea.

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