
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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New post operator invests
2012-01-16 09:56

InPost, private post will invest In next four years nearly 300 million euros. This year, it is going to take over next 4% of post market in Poland. The Chief of polish logistics company, Rafał Brzozka explained that until 2016, InPost is going to increase the number of its post vending machines of 16 000. “We are finalizing talks with large private equity fund, the agreement should be signed in February.” - Mr. Brzoska says. The number is not stated so far. Minimal plan is to mount 2000 devices.

 In Russia, where currently is placed 40 machines, the operator plans to increase it with 400 new machines. InPost plans expansion to new markets as well. Every year we are going to cover 4-6 countries. Scandinavian markets and our closest neighborhood look interesting.
The investor has invested in Paczkomaty over 140 million zlotys. Biggest competitor of Polish Post has already ca. 13-14% OF POST MARKET. The goal for this year is 18%. inPost competite with polish Post also on mail segment – Privet operators have to weighten its mail, which rise costs.

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