
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Best week on stock markets
2011-11-04 10:19

Whole last week investors were interested only in EU summit. Counting on clear plans for Greece crisis, Monday was a day of aggressive buying. When in Thursday it turned out that half of debt of his country will be erased, and EFSF fund will be subsidized by 1 billion euro, the floors exploded with euphoria. Around the globe the indexes jumped.
This reaction is a paradox itself. In normal conditions a news that some bank would bring loses, - like those which own Greece bonds – would cause a deep fall on markets. Now it causes an euphoria. Developing countries are back in the game. The index of developing countries rose this week at level 9%. It is the best result for nearly may 2009 and one of the best in whole 20-year history of the index.
However biggest stock markets were in the spotlight. The capital flew to Brazilian, Chinese, Indian and Russian (BRIC) markets. Between these the WSE was present. WIG20 got 4.5%, but analysts cool down the buzz. It can be only a temporary , technical jump, and in next week we can expect wide sales.

 Weaker markets were Hungarian and Turkish markets. The first, could be weaken by criticism of Bank of America and Merrill Lynch for governmental projects for debt reduction. Hungary plans to create a national bank that would help in paying off of monetary credits. The later country is touched by strong earthquake.

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