
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Dragon looks down on Poland
2011-09-23 16:17

Poland is a strategic country for China. PIFIA (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency) counts on catching a flag investment. Will it be a breakthrough?

There is not a trace of Chinese investments in Poland yet. But we have another signal that it can change.
- Poland is a strategic for Chinese investors. It is placed in central Europe, notes high growth, and in comparison with more developed countries, it has more occasions for investing.. Soon is shall be the biggest beneficiary of Chinese investment - Hongtao Wang, vice-president of MOFCOM Chinese Ministry of Trade) says. He expects the improvement after meeting with polish authorities.

In the end of 2009, Chinese DFI (Direct Foreign Investment) had fallen from 238 to 130 million euros. Apart from Liu Gong which is going to invest in Stalowa Wola steel plant, Chinese are associated mainly with failed Lenovo project near Legnica.

- The main problem, a Chinese wall, is image of Poland as a poor country. We try to change that fake image and burst through that wall. Recent 35 economic missions should help in this matter, as well as official visit of Chinese Ministry of Trade, Wang and planned on December president Komorowski’s visit in Chine. However, Chinese still do not understand role of Poland in region and sees us as a country of cheap work force. Unfortunately we are interested in ICT, machinery, BPO centers, grocery and environmental investments - said Sławomir Majman, President of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.

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