
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Bayer will heal Polish finances
2011-09-16 13:17

The medicine producer, which is leading by Marijn Dekkers, will open a finance-accounting center which will employ a 300 people. A chance for it has between others, four Polish cities.
Pharmaceutical combine Bayern is looking for the location for it's finance-accounting center. This center will be support for Eastern and Middle Europe and Scandinavia. It will employ 250-300 people.

- The company visited Trójmiasto, Poznań, Wrocław and Katowice.-as claims the source of this information.

- Project is not yet on such advanced level.There was no decision made about the localization. We even didn't choose a country in which such center could come into being. That is why we cannot confirm such information.-says Günter Forneck from the press office of the Bayern company.

From our information we know that the company's representatives were in the Poznań at Monday. Let us remind that lately in this town it's finance-accounting offices opens here the Jeronimo Martins or Bridgestone companies.

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