
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone catch big deals
2011-08-17 15:47

Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone (WSEZ) plans to attract twice more investments than in 2010. Currently issued permissions are valued at 800 million zlotys and number of declared jobs is counting to 700. The SEZ will improve last-year result by finaliziation of negotiations with Mando Corporation, steering and brake system producer. The Koreans will start building a factory on 13 ha site near Wałbrzych. The factory is planned to launch in 2013. In next two years, it will create 300 jobs.

- Negotiations have lasted nearly 4 years. At the begining the project was to be smaller, but with time plans have grown. - WSEZ president says.

Mando hires over 3500 people in Korea, China, Malysia, India, USA and Turkey. Poland is going to be an European starting point for future expansion to other European countries.
Mando considered other sites in Poland, too. According to Korean Yonhap agency, Mando considered Katowice because of its close location to Hyundai factory in Czech Republic. However, Wałbrzych's trump card was its nearness to German and French receipents. Also, according to recently established Mando Corporation Poland CEO, Khang Chee Won, good technical infrastructure.

Other investments in WSEZ that are in final negotiation phase are 250 million contract with Japanese chocolate producer, Lotte and smaller grocery and automotive contracts in Strzegom.

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