
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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76 companies said 'bye' to SEZ
2011-07-26 11:28

In Special Economic Zones (SEZ) new jobs have appeared, and investment slowly rose. In 2010, 76 projects diminished, the ministerial "Report on SEZ realization statute" says. The resort has cancelled 40 permission to investors who have not fulfiled agreements. For 15 years of SEZ presence in Poland it has been done 519 times. 36 investors have resigned from investment in SEZ, and their permissions expired. In all SEZ history, 286 companies have done so. It may be caused by critical report of Highest Control Office on SEZs' activity - Kiejstut Żagun from KPMG considers.

The balance in SEZs remains positive. In 2010 SEZs issued 177 permissions, 35% more comparing to 2009. The biggest number of investors has attracted wałbrzyska SEZ (28), łódzka SEZ (25), katowicka SEZ (23) and mielecka SEZ (22), which issued 55% of all permissions in 2009.

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