
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Eastern Poland and Spain on renewable energy
2011-07-04 12:35

Entrepreneurs and administration representatives of Eastern Poland met with Spanish companies active in the renewable energy sector.

The meeting of entrepreneurs and representatives of local government units from the Eastern Poland with companies from the Spanish region of Valencia took place on June 28th, 2011 at the PAIiIZ Information Centre. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the sector - Stanislaw Pietruszko PhD from the Warsaw University of Technology discussed the uses of photovoltaics in Poland. In the second part of the meeting Polish and Spanish companies held individual talks.

The meeting was attended by seven Spanish companies - Inversolia Proyectos Energéticos, Avaesen, Nuevas Energias Enersol, Power Electronics España, Corp. SRB Energy, Siliken Solaico Energy and 7 representatives of Eastern Poland - the City of Kielce, Łomża, Olsztyn. the Jeziorzany Municipality, ZA Puławy, the RES Institute and Przedsiębiorstwo Projektowania Modernizacji i Rozwoju Z.A. „Puławy” SA Prozap. The meeting was organized in cooperation with Ivex – the Valencia Export Institute in Warsaw.

The visit of the Spanish delegation was financed by the European Regional Development Fund from the Operational Programme - Development of Eastern Poland as part of the "Programme of Economic Promotion of Eastern Poland”.


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