
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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3M opens two new production facilities in Poland
2011-07-01 12:33

On June 22nd, 2011 3M opened two factories producing goods for the space, aviation and automotive industries. The new Wrocław-based plants will employ over 100 people.

The opening of the new 3M factories is an important part of the company’s strategy which envisages construction of the European Centre for Manufacturing. The company, present in Poland for 20 years now, has currently been running eight production plants - six of them are located in Wroclaw.

- We are glad that we will start another production line in Wrocław because the European division of 3M, responsible for products for the aerospace industry, plays an important role in the strategy of the whole group. The plants cover 40% of global demand for films and adhesives. Wrocław’s geographical location will help improve the distribution of our materials to other countries in the region - explains Denise Rutherford, CEO for 3M Aerospace and Aircraft Maintenance.

- To date, we have invested in Poland, about USD350 million. We do not want to slow down the pace, and we will only this year invest here another USD83 million. Our plan is to make Poland the key country for 3M, the country which will produce the majority of products exported to markets in Central and Eastern Europe - adds John Bowers, director of production and logistics at 3M for CEE and MEA.

One of the new 3M plants, manufacturing products for the aerospace industry, will produce films, adhesives and thermoset protective films. Clients of AAMD (Aerospace & Aircraft Maintenance Division) include companies such as Airbus, Bell and Boeing. Production at the plant in Wroclaw will be conducted and supervised with the use of the quality management system in the aerospace industry ISO 9000, AS 9100 (extended air quality standard). The second plant will focus on the production of components used in the construction of ceramic catalytic filters for diesel cars, trucks and buses. Catalytic converters and diesel filters must meet strict requirements for exhaust emission standards in force in the European Union. Technology that will be used in the Wrocław factory is protected by patented technology. In the technology material is formed in a dry process, based on the use of fibers, mostly ceramic and glass.

The opening ceremony of the new 3Mfacilities was held in the presence of the Head of the Polish Sejm - Grzegorz Schetyna, Head of the Lower Silesia region - Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, President of Wrocław - Rafał Dutkiewicz, President of Pracodawcy RP- Andrzej Malinowski, President of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency - Sławomir Majman and representatives of the Embassy of the United States.

About 3M poland
3M Poland is a subsidiary of the concern Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. In 2011, the company is celebrating is 20 years of presence on the Polish market and a decade of production activities in the country. 3M now has eight manufacturing facilities and employs more than 1,500 people. 3M existing investments in Poland amounted to around USD350 million. (3M)


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