
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Polish-Azerbaijani economic seminar
2011-06-09 09:48

During the seminar Polish and Azerbaijani representatives of administration, diplomacy and business discussed ways of reviving the Polish-Azerbaijani economic and investment relationships.

The seminar was attended by: Gummammad Javadov, Deputy Minister for Industry and Energy in the Republic of Azerbaijan; Hasan Aziz ogly Hasano, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Poland and Elżbieta Bodio, Deputy Director of the International Co-operation Department at the Ministry of the Economy. The meeting was chaired by Marek Łyżwa - Member of the PAIiIZ Board.

Minister Gummammad Javadov presented the current economic situation in Azerbaijan. The Minister emphasised the importance of foreign investments for the Azerbaijani economy which due to the demise of the USSR and the reduction of contacts with former economic partners tries to diversify the limited set of sectors which play key role in the Azerbaijan economy. Minister Javadov added that the latest Azerbaijan economic development programme focuses, among other sectors, on the food and machine sectors as well as on the production of construction martials.

The Azerbaijan Ambassador to Poland Hasan Aziz ogly Hasanov emphasised that his country is ready to intensify cooperation and was encouraging Polish entrepreneurs to contact the Embassy personally in case they had any problems with visas or any other formal requirements connected with visits to Azerbaijan. - I encourage Polish businessmen to contact us whenever they encounter any barriers. We will try to help with invitations and visa problems. We are here to help you - said Ambassador Hasanov.

Director Elżbieta Bodio from the Polish Ministry of Economy said that she hoped the PAIiIZ meeting would be a perfect introduction and a preparation for the Azerbaijani visit of the President of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Komorowski which will take place in July this year. - The visit of the Polish President will be accompanied by a Business Forum in Baku which will be a chance to intensify business contacts established during this visit to Poland - stressed Director Bodio.

The most important aspects of the Polish economy and the country’s investment attractiveness were presented by Janusz Buliński from the PAIiIZ Economic Information Department. Janusz Bulińśki attracted attention to Poland’s stable and good economic condition in which the country was both during the times of the global crisis and has been enjoying now. He cited the February 2011 Interim Forecast of the European Commission which expects the Polish GDP growth in 2011 to reach 4.1%.

At the end of the meeting the PAIiIZ Deputy President Marek Łyżwa was encouraging Polish and Azerbaijani entrepreneurs to make the most of the meeting. - People form the ministries, the Embassy and we from PAIiIZ, we all gathered here to help you develop your business for the benefit of our countries. There still is a lot to be done to make our business contacts thrive and bring benefits to everybody, we are here to support you and provide you with all the help you need - said the Deputy President in his closing speech.

After the seminar part of the meeting companies from Poland and Azerbaijan held individual business talks. The Azerbaijani companies represented the automotive, metallurgy, textile and insurance sectors. The Polish companies which attended the meeting presented a number of sectors and came mainly from Białegostok, Zgierz, Radom and Gniezno. (PAIiIZ)


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