
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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PAIiIZ invited Chinese journalists to visit Poland
2011-05-19 15:26

PAIiIZ invited Chinese journalists to visit Poland. The journalists met with the PAIiIZ President Sławomir Majman on May 15th, 2011.
The journalists started to tour Poland on May 14th and will stay in the country till Saturday May 21st. The group consists of journalists form the China Central Television, China Economic Weekly, Shanghai Evening Post and

During their visit the group will have meetings with people from government institutions, higher education institutions and representatives of Polish cities and regions in Warsaw, Cracow and Łódź.. During the meetings Polish regions will provide information and data in business opportunities available in Poland.

The major aim of the visit is to provide the Chinese public opinion with reliable information on the country’s economic situation and presentation of possible fields where the countries could develop economic cooperation.


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