
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Eastern Poland on the Salón de Gourmets Fairs in Madrid
2011-04-27 15:13

This year Poland was the Partner Country of the Salón de Gourmets in Madrid. Between April 11-14 thirteen food producers from Eastern Poland presented high-class food products from Poland.
The fairs focus on high-quality food and are geared towards producers and distributors of high-class food products. Every year the event is attended by over 1300 exhibitors from all over the world. Traditionally the fairs present products, especially wines and other alcoholic beverages, meat and dairy products, and confectionery, from all regions of Spain. Among other exhibitors who attend the fairs every year there are the UK, the USA, Portugal and Russia.

Polish products were presented on a special Polish stand. 13 producers from four regions of the macroregion of Eastern Poland promoted the offer of Poland.

Visitors had the chance to see Polish products and were attracted to the stand by a special live cooking-show performed by a well-known Polish chef Karol Okrasa and a show by a Polish bartender Krzysztof Drabik.


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