
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Poland can be a good brand
2011-04-27 10:42

Poland can be a good brand. Professional image development of the country has a direct impact on investor's concern. Poland seen through the eyes of foreigners is often a better place than the country described by nationals. Completely different picture is presented by people who completely do not know it and those who know the country well like businessman and reporters. How the Poland was seen in the past and how it looks nowadays, were main topics of debate 'Is Poland a good brand", organized by newspaper "Rzeczpospolita".

First associations.
According to President of Polish Agency of Information and Investment, Slawomir Majman, Poland is badly seen by those who know the country only from media or indirect communication.
- Research carried out by PL.2012 company and Ministry of Sports and Tourism, shows that first associations with Poland are strongly negative: poor country, poorly developed, religious with high number of criminality and emigrants - Majdan says.

Completely different picture have business circles oriented towards international cooperation. Here, in all researches, we can observe a vast jump in positive associations. - They see us as a stable country with big internal market and economic growth. It is like two completely different countries. - he adds.

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