
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Investments in Krosno
2011-04-14 08:39

The aim of the Agreement, signed on April 4th 2011, is to help Krosno attract foreign investors.
The Agreement sets out that PAIiZ and Krosno will together run activities which should help the town attract investors and will undertake initiatives which will improve the town’s administration efficiency in providing comprehensive information and professional services. The activities will cover issues connected promotional investment packages, selection and distribution of economic information, and management of data bases gathering data on the town’s economic issues.

PAIiIZ signed similar agreements with other Polish cities and towns e.g. with Lublin, Rzeszów, Białystok, Olsztyn, Bydgoszcz and Koszalin. There are plans to conclude cooperation agreement with Piła.


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